Publication T3.3.1_Actual realistic distribution data The ability of trading energy in a P2P network poses challenges concerning the type of energy and data stored to operate a microgrid, as well as the money exchanged by the prosumers. Blockchain technology offers a...
Publication T3.2.1_Prototype Smart CryptoMeter Climate change and the associated energy transition are major challenges which also affect the way power is produced and how it is traded. Central power production plants are supplemented e.g. by decentralized production...
Publication T3.1.1_A Prototype interface for the blockchain Rising energy costs have become a significant challenge for low and middle-income consumers. The Blockchain 4 Prosumers project proposes a decentralized, peer-to-peer energy market that leverages blockchain...
Publication T2.4.1_Grid Aspects Electricity grids are systems that transport electricity from power plants to consumers. These grids are essential infrastructure that plays a crucial role in modern society, as they provide the electricity that powers homes,...
Publication T2.3.1_Development of User-Interfaces – Platforms and Apps The goal of this deliverable was to develop and design user-friendly interfaces in addition to the decentralized database based on the blockchain technology. Due to the different pilots,...
Publication T1.1.7_A novel architecture for a Peer-to-Peer Energy Market According to the blockchain technology Gartner Hype Cycle, decen- tralized exchanges can be seen as one of the innovation trigger tech- nologies with high expectations. Decentralized Peer-to-Peer...