Publication T3.3.1_Actual realistic distribution data

The ability of trading energy in a P2P network poses challenges concerning the type of energy and data stored to operate a microgrid, as well as the money exchanged by the prosumers. Blockchain technology offers a mean to deal with tracking transactions, money exchange and preferences of the users, making it a perfect medium of interaction to build P2P energy trading.

The Grid singularity framework that is used as a backbone of the BC4P project, allows for a number of different market types. Specifically, in the BC4P project we make use of a two-sided Pay-as-Bid market.
As reported in the Grid Singularity Framework documentation “In a two-sided Pay-as-Bid market, buyers are able to place bids in the market, alongside the offers placed by sellers.

Each market collects and matches bids and offers issued by trading agents, and dispatches bids and offers to other markets via a MarketAgent, which is created and operated by each market (area). “
In addition to market mechanism itself, the grid singularity framework also allows for basic trading strategies to match offers and bids. The purpose of this deliverables is to describe realistic data set associated with the BC4P project. The various pilot sites of BC4P will have a topology associated with the assets that can produce, consume of “prosume” energy. This deliverable selected one of the pilots of BC4P to exemplify the type of data collected and the energy exchanged by the devices.

As a consequence this deliverable contains an exploratory data analysis of the PXL pilot, looking at the signature of the assets in such a pilot and their behaviour as time series.