Publication T1.1.3_Regulatory and financial framework for a blockchain P2P Solution on the Walloon Energy Market

Energy sharing could be an opportunity for players in the construction and real estate sector. It can increase the range of services offered by these actors and, in a situation of high price increases, lower the energy bill.

The realization of this potential will depend on the choices made by the initiators of energy sharing: which mode of sharing? which configuration/organization? which energy source? which type of participant? which exchange price? ….

These choices will be strongly constrained by legislation. Energy is subject to numerous regulations which strongly constrain the possibilities of alternative modes of energy exchange. By way of illustration, there is a strong desire in our countries to share distribution and transport costs fairly among all network users. The introduction of a prosumer tariff and the planned end of the annual compensation system in Wallonia are part of this fair sharing objective. Except in very specific cases (closed professional network, private network), future energy sharing models will integrate this dimension.

Thinking about the possibility of multiplying the number of micro-grids disconnected from the network is illusory at this stage .

As the legislation governing the new energy sharing methods is still being drawn up by the Walloon Region, it is currently very complicated to establish a very clear business model. The experience of sharing projects in Wallonia informs us that, in any case, profitability will be difficult to achieve. In order to industrialize management and thus improve profitability, the initiators of sharing have an interest in turning to partners capable of accompanying them along the entire value chain via their services and products.